software house

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App development

We offer the complete development of your application, assisting you, when required, throughout the entire process.We will guide you through the realization of your project, starting from the design, all the way up to its launch. Users prefer attractively designed apps, as well as fully functional ones, our care for the details will give you an extra gear in both respects. In this regard, we consider it essential to incorporate the app design into the production process. An app will be as used as it is easy to use; our goal is to combine design and intuitiveness. We also offer a complete testing service for your apps before their launch, testing their functionality and usability. In our opinion, performance and security are key qualities in the realization of an effective and successful product.

Telegram Bot

We offer the development of Telegram Bots

Back-end development

The great majority of applications and systems require a back-end that operates them. This type of development requires particular expertise in the checks, since quality and monitoring of the server are key elements in guaranteeing the security and privacy of users. Precisely this latter point is something to be taken into account because of the steady increase in the number of laws that aim to protect the privacy of users. Based on the needs of the costumer, we are able to suggest the best strategy. Today, the cloud is widely used because it allows to reduce both costs and responsibilities. However, such a choice doesn’t need to be considered as the only way possible, but as the result of a careful assessment of the costumer’s needs and of the maintenance costs they will eventually face.